So there he sat, calm, his pulse increased, deep breath. There he sat quietly, staring at the rope. Thought to himself " so this is it, this where it ends" oh how the mighty has fallen. He knew he was going to die. Everyone dies someday he always said, but this he never saw coming. He never seemed to care enough. He never struck him as one whom will kill himself. Am flawless he often exclaimed. Rather die fighting than give up were his morning wishes. Tomorrow is another were his night prayers. Guess that's why they call him the August visitor. It comes in styles, different styles. Oh how the mighty has fallen he thought once more. But she never said a thing he thought. Sure they had their own fair share of being a fervent sharer gives everyone its due. But it wasn't enough he said, standing up. She was strong. She seemed he said this doubtfully.. God giveth, God taketh. But God didn't drive the 15 inches knife into her chest...she did he thought, looking her corpse in her own pool of blood.She did...or did she? Someone or something let it happen he thought, looking her corpse in her own pool of blood...She did..Or did she? Someone or something let it happen he thought looking up to heaven. Well no one is letting mine happen...Not today, not tomorrow...Not ever. Tomorrow is another day. Good morning he said to his neighbor...Picked his rope and went out to spread his towel.


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